Friday, March 12, 2021

Proposal for amending the crazy Candy Land tier system in California (Update: just reopen California already, or you (the Governor) will be recalled!!)


                      Gavin Newsom's Candy Land game                       Larry the Cucumber and Archibald playing Candy Land in VeggieTales LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space


I think the governor's orders have not been considerate when it comes to how to reopen the state. Having the Candy Land scheme where you have to move back a tier when you get a spike in cases is a terrible idea in trying to reopen the state. It makes the restaurants have to open and then close and open and close, which is very unstable for our economy. Some areas have stayed stuck in the purple tier for the whole time, such as Los Angeles, Madera, San Bernardino, Sonoma, and Tulare counties, which means that restaurants and churches haven't been able to meet inside since June in those counties, which is devastating to these businesses. As a result, San Bernardino County has been suing the governor for his one size fits all approach, having the whole county, which is the largest in the country in the purple tier. The county wants to change that so it will be by school district instead. 

Many of the counties and cities in California, even liberal counties and cities such as Los Angeles County have said they won't enforce the curfew that the governor has ordered in purple tier counties-

 If a county goes to a better tier level, I think it should stay there, and go down if it gets even better. But not move back a tier if they get a spike.

I believe that the tier system of handling the Coronavirus needs significant reform. With the way Governor Newsom has handled the virus is very unstable for businesses in our state and is not good for our restaurants and churches. That is why I have been working on a proposal to amend the tier system so that all our activities can resume and businesses can reopen, some tiers have more restrictions than others, with the purple tier having convention centers and concerts requiring tests and temperature checks.   If a county goes to a better tier level, I think it should stay there, and go down if it gets even better. But not move back a tier if they get a spike. 

Scratch all that, just reopen the state already!!



Governor's orders                                                                          

Hayden LePore's plan of what it should be

Amusment parks-closed                                      

Amusment parks- open with face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter

Bars and Breweries-closed  

Bars and breweries-open outdoors only with 25% capacity(indoors allowed with 50% capacity with temperature checks and has to close at 8 pm)

Churches-outdoors only                      


Churches- indoor service allowed with 25% capacity (100% capacity with temperature checking stations, and a mask section for most at risk)

Concert venues-closed                                                          

Concert venues-open with face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter(Outdoors only with 6 feet distance and travel only from areas in a 60 mile radius from low risk areas without tests and temperature checks)

Convention centers-closed                                                         

Convention centers-open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter

Aquariums, Family entertainment centers, and zoos-outdoors only       

Aquariums, Family entertainment centers, and zoos- open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (Outdoors only without temperature checking and tests)


Festivals- open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (250 person maximum if they aren't provided with those things and 6 feet distance)

Restaurants(dine in)- outdoors only                                


Restaurants(dine in)- indoor dining allowed at 25% capacity without temperature stations (no capacity limits with protective barriers between tables)

Schools-not open for non essential in person classes (open if county was previously not in purple tier)                                        

Schools-open with kid's being tested and temperature checks


Face coverings-required                               

Face coverings-required, when 6 feet is not maintained at retail shops, lines at events, concerts, and people didn't get tested before entering. Not required for kids under 10 years old

Bookstores, Clothing and shoe stores, Florists, Home and furnishing stores, Jewelry stores, shopping malls, sporting goods stores, and Toy stores-open at 25% capacity


Bookstores, Clothing and shoe stores, Florists, Home and furnishing stores, Jewelry stores, shopping malls, sporting goods stores, and Toy stores-open at 50% capacity without masks (100% capacity with face coverings)




The Governor's understanding of it

Hayden LePore's understanding

more than 7 new cases per day per 100,000

more than 30 new cases per day per 100,000

More than 10% of cases involve hospitalization




Governor's orders                                                                          

Hayden LePore's plan of what it should be

Amusment parks-closed

Amusment parks- open with face coverings and temperature checking required to enter

Bars and Breweries-closed                                     


Bars and breweries-open outdoors and indoors with 25% capacity (open 50% capacity with temperature checks and have to close at 10pm)

Churches-indoor service allowed with 25% capacity               

Churches- indoor service with 25% capacity(100% if there have been no cases at the church)

Concert venues-closed                                          


Concert venues-open with face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (25% capacity without masks and without temperature checks)

Convention centers-closed                        

Convention centers-open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (25% capacity without masks and without temperature checks)

Aquariums, Family entertainment centers, and zoos-indoors with 50% capacity                                   

Aquariums, Family entertainment centers, and zoos- open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (50% capacity without masks and without temperature checks and tests)


Festivals- open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (500 person maximum if they aren't provided with those things and required 6 feet distance)

Restaurants(dine in)- indoor dining at 25% capacity             

Restaurants(dine in)- indoor dining allowed at 25% capacity without temperature stations (no capacity limits with temperature stations)

Schools-open for in person instruction                                           

Schools-open for in person instruction

Face coverings-required                     

Face coverings-not required when businesses have capacity limits and safety precautions to have social distancing, not required for people under 70 years old or everyone has been tested negative at any age.

Governor's order-Bookstores, Clothing and shoe stores, Florists, Home and furnishing stores, Jewelry stores, shopping malls, sporting goods stores, and Toy stores-open at 50% capacity


LePore's plan- Bookstores, Clothing and shoe stores, Florists, Home and furnishing stores, Jewelry stores, shopping malls, sporting goods stores, and Toy stores-open at 100% capacity


The Governor's understanding of it

Hayden LePore's understanding of it

4-7 new cases per day per 100,000

10-30 new cases per day per 100,000




Governor's orders                                                                          

Hayden LePore's plan of what it should be

Amusement parks-Smaller parks open at 25% capacity

Amusement parks- open with face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (25% capacity without temperature checks and tests)

Bars and Breweries-open outdoors only                                   


Bars and breweries-open outdoors and indoors with 25% capacity (open 100% capacity with temperature checks and have to close at 10pm)

Churches-indoor service allowed with 50% capacity               

Churches- indoor service with 50% capacity(100% if there have been no cases at the church)

Concert venues-closed                                          


Concert venues-open with face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (25% capacity without masks and without temperature checks)

Convention centers-closed                        

Convention centers-open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (25% capacity without masks and without temperature checks)

Aquariums, Family entertainment centers, and zoos-indoors with 50% capacity                                   

Aquariums, Family entertainment centers, and zoos- open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (50% capacity without masks and without temperature checks and tests)


Festivals- open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (1000 person maximum if they aren't provided with those things and required 6 feet distance)

Restaurants(dine in)- indoor dining at 50% capacity             

Restaurants(dine in)- indoor dining allowed at 50% capacity without temperature stations (no capacity limits with temperature stations)

Schools-open for in person instruction                                           

Schools-open for in person instruction

Face coverings-required                     

Face coverings-not required for customers at restaurants, stores, malls, church, or small gatherings,  but required for restaurant employees preparing food, health employees, and for regional events not practicing social distancing with no testing over 10,000 people.

Governor's order-Bookstores, Clothing and shoe stores, Florists, Home and furnishing stores, Jewelry stores, shopping malls, sporting goods stores, and Toy stores-open at 50% capacity


LePore's plan- Bookstores, Clothing and shoe stores, Florists, Home and furnishing stores, Jewelry stores, shopping malls, sporting goods stores, and Toy stores-open at 100% capacity


The Governor's understanding of it

Hayden LePore's understanding of it

1-4 new cases per day per 100,000


4-10 new cases per day per 100,000




Governor's orders                                                                          

Hayden LePore's plan of what it should be

Amusment parks-Smaller parks open at 25% capacity

Amusment parks- open with face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (50% capacity without temperature checks and tests)

Bars and Breweries-open outdoors only                                   


Bars and breweries-open outdoors and indoors with 25% capacity (open 100% capacity with temperature checks and have to close at 10pm)

Churches-indoor service allowed with 50% capacity               

Churches- indoor service with 100% capacity

Concert venues-closed                                          


Concert venues-open with face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (50% capacity without masks and without temperature checks)

Convention centers-closed                        

Convention centers-open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (50% capacity without masks and without temperature checks)

Aquariums, Family entertainment centers, and zoos-indoors with 50% capacity                                   

Aquariums, Family entertainment centers, and zoos- open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (50% capacity without masks and without temperature checks and tests)


Festivals- open with  face coverings and temperature checking and tests required to enter (2000 person maximum if they aren't provided with those things and required 6 feet distance)

Restaurants(dine in)- indoor dining at 50% capacity             

Restaurants(dine in)- indoor dining allowed at 100% capacity

Schools-open for in person instruction                                           

Schools-open for in person instruction

Face coverings-required                     

Face coverings-not required

Governor's order-Bookstores, Clothing and shoe stores, Florists, Home and furnishing stores, Jewelry stores, shopping malls, sporting goods stores, and Toy stores-open at 50% capacity


LePore's plan- Bookstores, Clothing and shoe stores, Florists, Home and furnishing stores, Jewelry stores, shopping malls, sporting goods stores, and Toy stores-open at 100% capacity


The Governor's understanding of it

Hayden LePore's understanding of it

Less than 1 new cases per day per 100,000


2-4 new cases per day per 100,000




Very Minimal-Green

Governor's orders                                                                          

Hayden LePore's plan of what it should be

Doesn't have a green tier

No restrictions unless counties object to it

The Governor's understanding of it

Hayden LePore's understanding of it

Doesn't exist

Less than 2 new cases per day per 100,000











Photo 1-Gavin Newsom's Candy Land game                                                                                             Photo 2- Larry the Cucumber and Archibald playing Candy Land in VeggieTales LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space

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